viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

Classroom Rules: Must and Mustn't

  • Prepare small pieces of paper each with either one thing students must do or one thing students must not do.
  • Tell the students that they are supposed to form sentences that explain classroom rules.
  • Divide the class into groups (of 4 if possible, so that everyone gets a chance to speak).
  • Give each group the pieces of paper.
The winning group, the group that finishes first, reads their sentences aloud. (Each student of the group reads one or two sentences depends on size of group. 

It's an easy game and the preparation does not take too much time. You can make as many rules as you wish.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

I often teach HAVE TO and CAN'T instead of must and mustn't. These are much more natural alternatives that English speakers actually use. Must and musntn't aren't used in speech that much.