sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016

Bad Fruit: A Shoppers' Nightmare

This is an oral communication activity appropriate for EFL learners in elementary/primary school. (It's optimal for grades 3-6). This game is designed for practicing "shopping" dialogues and vocabulary.

Materials: "produce" and play money.

Object of Game: 
  • To accumulate as many products as possible.
  • Students are divided into clerks and shoppers.
  • The clerks set up "stands" to allow easy access for all shoppers (e.g. around the outsides of the room with their backs to the wall).
  • The shoppers are given a set amount of money* (e.g. dollars, euros, pounds, etc.) and begin at a stand where there is an open space.
  • Students shop, trying to accumulate as many items as possible (each item is 1 unit of currency).
  • Periodically, the instructor will say "stop" (a bell or other device may be needed to attract attention in some cultural and classroom contexts) and call out a name of one of the products. Students with that product must then put ALL their products in a basket at the front of the room. The remaining students continue shopping. Students who had to dump their products must begin again from scratch (with fewer units of currency).
  • The student with the most products at the end wins.
  • Students then switch roles.
*It is recommended giving students as much money as possible since students who run out can no longer participate.

Alternative play for more advanced students: Clerks set the price of items. Shoppers have the option of negotiating the price. There are two winners in this version: The shopper who accumulates the most products and the clerk who makes the most money.

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